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Project Tutorials >

How to Make Fancy Glass Glitter Star and Snowflake Ornaments

Create a set of fancy German glass glitter star and snowflake ornaments featuring Santa, angels, butterflies, and charming cats and dogs.  Using wooden ornament shapes as a base, we paint, glitter and seal before combining Dresden foil stars, medallions and old fashioned die-cut scraps to add beautiful layers of interest.   Take inspiration from one of our examples, or go totally custom with your own color and material combinations. Finished ornaments range from 2-1/2" (smallest stars) to  3-3/4" (largest stars).


Wooden Snowflakes and Stars 

Glass Glitter

Dresden Stars and Medallions

Die-Cut Scraps 

Decorative Paper

Glass Beads (10mm or 8mm)

26 Gauge Wire

1/8" Velvet Ribbon or Silver Cord

Christmas Hooks

Paints (Gold, Silver, White)

Paint Brushes

Mod Podge

Clear Drying Craft Glue like Alleen's,



Gloves (for handling glitter)

Star Template

Template: Click here to download a free pdf of the Star Template.

Step 1: Paint Wooden Shapes

Paint shapes all over including edges, with two coats of paint.  Let dry.  The paint color should match the glitter that will be applied in Step 2.

Step 2: Add Glitter

Apply an even layer of glue over front, back and edges. Pour or sprinkle glitter over glue and tap off excess.  Let dry.  Take care to glitter sparingly around hanger holes; use toothpicks to poke any stray glitter out of holes.

Step 3: Coat with Mod Podge

To keep glass glitter in place and avoid shedding, paint an even coat of Mod Podge over all glittered areas.  Let dry completely.  You will be delighted with how well this works!

Step 4: Embellish with Dresdens and Scraps

Glue Dresdens and scraps in place and let dry.

There are scores of options for customizing your ornaments ~ Santas, animals, butterflies or angels plus gold, silver or colored Dresdens.  Try different combinations to find your favorites.  Layering various items makes your ornaments look dimensional and special.  The Santa Star above right shows the elements used both before and after assembly.  A few more of our favorite Dresden and scrap combos are also shown below left.

Step 5: Add A Hanger

There are a few ways to add hangers and each yield a beautiful result, as shown above right.

A Christmas Hook is a simple no-fuss hanger: simply slide it through the hole on any star or snowflake shape.

A 1/8" velvet ribbon is a lovely choice for adding texture and interest.  It fits through the hole on the smallest star (LCW-006) but is too large for other stars and snowflakes.  Cut a 9-1/2" long piece of velvet ribbon.  Thread through hole, bring ends together , tie a knot and trim ends as needed.

A narrow Silver Cord looks lovely and will work with the smallest star (LCW-006) as well as the snowflakes (LCW-001 and LCW-003).  To add it to snowflakes, you'll need to carefully coax it through the hole with a pin or piece of wire, taking care not to break or damage the snowflake.  Cut a 9-1/2" long piece as with the velvet ribbon.

A Wrapped Wire Hanger with glass bead adds another handmade element to your ornaments and works best for the largest star (LCW-002) and the snowflakes (LCW-001 and LCW-003).  Each is shown above center.

To add a Wrapped Wire Hanger to the largest star:
-- Cut a 36" (1 yard) piece of 26 gauge wire.
-- Bend length in half and at center, wrap the wire around the end of a paint brush handle and twist to make a loop.
-- Slide a 10mm bead on to the wires and all the way up to the loop, covering the twist.
-- Place both wire ends through the hole on the star and position the bead at center about 1/8" above the top of the ornament.
-- Bend wires around underneath bead, as shown below right. 
-- Wrap wires around and around, working downward and begin covering the top of the star with the wire wrap.
-- Wrap the wire all the way down to cover the hole.
-- Tuck the wire ends under the last wrap of wire.  Arrange wires as needed to ensure they are wrapped evenly.  Cut ends of wire leaving a 1/2" tail.  Bend tail back to secure and press ends toward star at bottom of wrapping.

To add a Wrapped Wire hanger to the snowflakes (LCW-001 and LCW-003), use a similar technique:
-- Cut a 12" piece of 26 gauge wire.
-- Bend length in half and at center, wrap the wire around the end of a paint brush handle and twist to make a loop.
-- Slide an 8mm bead on to the wires and all the way up to the loop, covering the twist.
-- Place both wire ends through the hole on the snowflake and position the bead at center about 1/8" above the top of the ornament.
-- Bend wires around underneath bead and wrap wires around 2-3 times between the bead and top of the ornament.
-- Trim ends and tuck toward the hole on the snowflake.

Dresden Pairings:

There are so many ways to combine Dresden medallions with the stars and snowflakes, so we've illustrated a few of our favorite size pairings below, complete with item numbers.  These pairings appear in many of the variations we created.


It's so hard to choose a favorite! Whether you prefer Santa, angels, butterflies, animals or something completely custom, here are several styles we created to illustrate the effects of layering, Dresden pairings, color combos and which scraps fit on which stars and snowflakes.

From left to right:
Silver Santa Star -- script paper IPL831 + Dresden DF7307 in antique gold + Santa scrap from sheet S7220 + 10mm red bead hanger.
Silver Santa Snowflake -- Dresden stars DFW852 in silver+ Dresden candle cuff DF2205 + Santa scrap from S7304 + 8mm red bead hanger
Pair of Santa Snowflakes -- Dresden medallion DF8007 in silver + DFW749 in antique gold and DF8006 in antique gold + DFW749 in silver, both with Santa scraps from sheet S7220.
Pair of Santa Stars -- Dresden stars DFW749 in silver + antique gold and DFW749 in antique gold + DF360 in gold, both with Santa scraps from S7258.
Santa Snowflake -- Dresden snowflake DF8004 in gold + Santa scrap from sheet S7304.

From left to right:
Silver Angel Snowflake -- Dresden star DF8334 in gold + halo DFW749 in antique gold + small stars DFW852 in silver + angel scrap from sheet S7283 + 8mm gold bead.
Gold Butterfly Star -- script paper IPL831 + Dresden DF7307 in antique gold + butterfly scrap from sheet S7408 + 10mm red bead hanger.
Silver Butterfly Snowflake -- Dresden medallion DF8006 in antique gold + small stars DFW852 in antique gold + butterfly scrap from sheet S7297 + 8mm burgundy bead.
Icy Butterfly Snowflake -- snowflake is painted white + clear glass glitter + Dresden snowflake DF8004 in gold + DFW749 in silver + butterfly scrap from sheet S7297.
Silver Butterfly Snowflake -- Dresden medallion DF8007 in silver + DFW749 in antique gold + butterfly scrap from sheet S7297.

From left to right:
Silver Cat Star -- script paper IPL831 + Dresden crown DFW6721 in antique gold + bow DFW782 in red + cat scrap from sheet S7329 + 10mm red bead.
Gold Dog Star -- script paper IPL831 + Dresden crown DFW6721 in antique gold + bow DFW782 in red + dog scrap from sheet S1716 + 10mm red bead.
Silver Dog Snowflake -- Dresden crown DFW6721 in antique gold + bow DFW782 in red + small stars DFW852 in antique gold + dog scrap from sheet S1716 + silver cord hanger.
Silver Cat Snowflake -- Dresden medallion DF8006 in burgundy + halo DFW721A in silver + bow DFW7077 in antique gold + cat scrap from sheet S7301 + 8mm pearl rose pink bead.
Silver Cat Star -- Dresden medallion DFW749 in antique gold + bow DFW7077 in silver cat scrap from sheet S7301 + silver cord hanger.

Tips and Notes:

-- Mixing different Dresden colors creates a beautiful dimensional look, while sticking with one color, like all silver on a silver snowflake, looks elegant and cohesive.

-- Clear glass glitter over white paint is delicate and icy, and very difficult to capture on camera.  We made a butterfly snowflake in this style and it is stunning in real life!

-- While we focused mainly on silver and gold tones, these ornaments would be gorgeous with colored glass glitter paired with colorful Dresdens like light greens, light blues and pale pinks.

-- Coating the glass glitter with Mod Podge seals it in place so well.  You will still feel the rough and gritty texture, but voids will be filled in and shards will be held in place.

-- The Dresden and scrap stacking techniques used in this tutorial also feature in our Lace Snowflake Tutorial and Spun Glass Ornament Tutorial.

Angels and Children Scraps ~ Germany

Angels and Children Scraps ~ Germany


Antique Gold Classic Dresden Stars ~ 132

Antique Gold Classic Dresden Stars ~ 132


Antique Gold Dresden Foil Snowflakes or Halos ~ 8 Asst.

Antique Gold Dresden Foil Snowflakes or Halos ~ 8 Asst.


Beautiful Devoted Angels Scraps ~ Germany

Beautiful Devoted Angels Scraps ~ Germany


Black Classic Dresden Stars ~ 132

Black Classic Dresden Stars ~ 132


Burgundy Dresden Foil Snowflakes or Halos ~ 8 Asst.

Burgundy Dresden Foil Snowflakes or Halos ~ 8 Asst.


Gold Classic Dresden Stars ~ 132

Gold Classic Dresden Stars ~ 132


Gold Dresden Foil Snowflakes or Halos ~ 8 Asst.

Gold Dresden Foil Snowflakes or Halos ~ 8 Asst.


Large Silver Christmas Ornament Hooks ~ Set of 50 ~ Czech Republic

Large Silver Christmas Ornament Hooks ~ Set of 50 ~ Czech Republic


Mixed Butterflies Scraps ~ Germany ~ 2013

Mixed Butterflies Scraps ~ Germany ~ 2013


Mixed Butterfly Die-Cut Scraps ~ Germany

Mixed Butterfly Die-Cut Scraps ~ Germany


Mixed Medium Angels Scraps ~ Germany

Mixed Medium Angels Scraps ~ Germany


Mixed Pastel Cherub and Angel Scraps ~ Germany

Mixed Pastel Cherub and Angel Scraps ~ Germany


Mixed Small Pastel Angels Scraps ~ Germany

Mixed Small Pastel Angels Scraps ~ Germany


Narrow Fancy Metallic Silver Cord ~ 1/16" wide

Narrow Fancy Metallic Silver Cord ~ 1/16" wide


Pink Classic Dresden Stars ~ 132

Pink Classic Dresden Stars ~ 132


Red Classic Dresden Stars ~ 132

Red Classic Dresden Stars ~ 132


Santa, Moon & Children Scraps ~ Germany

Santa, Moon & Children Scraps ~ Germany


Silver Classic Dresden Stars ~ 132

Silver Classic Dresden Stars ~ 132


Silver Dresden Foil Snowflakes or Halos ~ 8 Asst.

Silver Dresden Foil Snowflakes or Halos ~ 8 Asst.


Small Fancy Cats with Bows Scraps ~ Germany

Small Fancy Cats with Bows Scraps ~ Germany


Small Silver Christmas Ornament Hooks ~ Set of 50 ~ Czech Republic

Small Silver Christmas Ornament Hooks ~ Set of 50 ~ Czech Republic


30 Aqua Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Aqua Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Burgundy Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Burgundy Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Gold Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Gold Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Lime Green Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Lime Green Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Pearl Rose Pink Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Pearl Rose Pink Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Pink Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Pink Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Red Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Red Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Silver Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Silver Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic


Clear German Glass Glitter ~ Fine Grit ~ 2 oz in Jar

Clear German Glass Glitter ~ Fine Grit ~ 2 oz in Jar


Colorful Bird & Butterfly Scraps ~ England

Colorful Bird & Butterfly Scraps ~ England


Colorful Parrot & Butterfly Scraps ~ England

Colorful Parrot & Butterfly Scraps ~ England


Pretty Angel and Bells Scraps ~ Germany

Pretty Angel and Bells Scraps ~ Germany


Pretty Angel Scraps ~ Germany

Pretty Angel Scraps ~ Germany


Silver German Glass Glitter ~ Fine Grit ~ 2 oz in Jar

Silver German Glass Glitter ~ Fine Grit ~ 2 oz in Jar


Wooden Scalloped Star Ornaments ~ Set of 3

Wooden Scalloped Star Ornaments ~ Set of 3


15 Aqua Round Glass Beads 10 mm ~ Czech Republic

15 Aqua Round Glass Beads 10 mm ~ Czech Republic


15 Burgundy Round Glass Beads 10 mm ~ Czech Republic

15 Burgundy Round Glass Beads 10 mm ~ Czech Republic
