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20 Glass Bead Christmas Garlands Using Round Beads

Garlands strung with round glass beads are classic, customizable and so versatile.  With scores of bead colors and sizes available, virtually any look can be achieved.

One of our most common questions is How many beads do I need? The answer depends on bead size, desired length and beading pattern, so we've broken it down into 20 different styles with bead counts and links to colors used.  Use these ideas as a direct guide to make the styles shown, or make them your own by substituting other colors in place of the ones we've chosen.  As beads are handmade, please note that all counts and finished measurements are approximate.  Detailed instructions on how to string a garland can be found HERE.

Supplies: Round Glass Beads, Bead Cord (any size is appropriate), Hooks, Scissors

The simplest garlands to create use beads of all one size in multiple colors.  The images above show three different garlands made using 6mm, 8mm and 10mm beads. 

Here are very approximate counts for garlands using beads of one size:

all 6mm size ~ 300 beads ~ finished size 5'11"

all 8mm size ~ 230 beads ~ finished size 6'

all 10mm size ~ 183 beads ~ finished size 6'

all 12mm size ~ 152 beads ~ finished size 6'

all 14mm size ~ 130 beads ~ finished size 6'

all 18mm size ~ 100 beads ~ finished size 5'11"

(Using multiple colors will of course require dividing the bead total by the number of colors.  So for a garland using 5 colors of 18mm beads: 100 beads / 5 = 20 beads of each color.  And any pattern will also alter the bead counts slightly, as we will see below.)

Let's delve further into garlands using all one size of bead.  This garland above uses all 6mm beads and follows a subtle pattern using two shades of red, two shades of pink, and two shades of blue plus gold and silver for a gorgeous vintage look.  We used an ascending and descending beading pattern centered on the aqua and the blue beads for interest. 

Here's the pattern:

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - G - F - E - D - C - B

Repeat this pattern sequence 22 times, then end the garland by adding A (one aqua bead) for pattern symmetry.  The finished garland will be approximately 72-3/4" (6 feet 3/4 inch).

Here is the bead code:

A = 6mm aqua (23 beads needed)

B = 6mm pearl rose pink (44 beads needed)

C = 6mm burgundy (44 beads needed)

D = 6mm red (44 beads needed)

E = 6mm silver (44 beads needed)

F = 6mm gold (44 beads needed)

G = 6mm hot pink (44 beads needed)

H = 6mm blue (22 beads needed)

The garland above uses all 8mm beads and relies on the beauty of the color combination for impact as opposed to a more complicated pattern, like in the 6mm style detailed earlier.  Here two shades of red, two shades of blue and two shades of green join silver beads for a beautiful result. 

Here's the pattern:
A - B - C - D - E - F - G

Repeat this pattern sequence 33 times.  The finished garland will be approximately 72-3/4" (6 feet 3/4 inch).

Here is the bead code:

A = 8mm silver (33 beads needed)

B = 8mm aqua (33 beads needed)

C = 8mm lime green (33 beads needed)

D = 8mm burgundy (33 beads needed)

E = 8mm green (33 beads needed)

F = 8mm red (33 beads needed)

G = 8mm blue (33 beads needed)

8mm beads are the most popular size partly thanks to their ability to mix with a wide range of tree sizes, so we've detailed a few more color combinations below with bead counts.

To make the above garland follow the same beading pattern as our main garland: A - B - C - D - E - F - G

Repeat this pattern sequence 33 times. The finished garland will be approximately 72-3/4" (6 feet 3/4 inch).

Here is the bead code:

A = 8mm gold (33 beads needed)

B = 8mm silver (33 beads needed)

C = 8mm lime green (33 beads needed)

D = 8mm red (33 beads needed)

E = 8mm aqua (33 beads needed)

F = 8mm light pink (33 beads needed)

G = 8mm blue (33 beads needed)

The above garland also follows the same beading pattern as our main garland: A - B - C - D - E - F - G

Repeat this pattern sequence 33 times.

Here is the bead code:

A = 8mm green (33 beads needed)

B = 8mm silver (33 beads needed)

C = 8mm pearl green (33 beads needed)

D = 8mm burgundy (33 beads needed)

E = 8mm aqua (33 beads needed)

F = 8mm gold (33 beads needed)

G = 8mm light pink (33 beads needed)

The above garland uses 9 bead colors so the beading pattern expands to: A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I

Repeat this pattern sequence 25 times.  The finished garland will be approximately 71" (5 feet 11 inches).

Here is the bead code:

A = 8mm blue (25 beads needed)

B = 8mm light pink (25 beads needed)

C = 8mm aqua (25 beads needed)

D = 8mm pink (25 beads needed)

E = 8mm lime green (25 beads needed)

F = 8mm hot pink (25 beads needed)

G = 8mm silver (25 beads needed)

H = 8mm green (25 beads needed)

I = 8mm gold (25 beads needed)

It's worth noting that spacer beads can give a garland a completely different look and make otherwise vintage styles look more modern. To make the above garland with spacers follow this beading pattern: A - B - C - B - D - B - E - B - F - B

Repeat this pattern sequence 30 times.  The finished garland will be approximately 71" (5 feet 11 inches).

Here is the bead code:

A = 8mm red (30 beads needed)

B = spacers (150 beads needed)

C = 8mm lime green (30 beads needed)

D = 8mm light pink (30 beads needed)

E = 8mm hot pink (30 beads needed)

F = 8mm gold (30 beads needed)

10mm beads work well for making slightly chunkier garlands reminiscent of 1950s styles imported from Japan, as above.  These retro styles were made primarily in shades of red, blue, gold, green and silver with matching bead colors often doubled or tripled up when strung.  Our version is inspired by these old favorites.

Here's the pattern:
A - A - B - B - C - C - D - D - E - E 

Repeat this pattern sequence 18 times.  The finished garland will be approximately 71" (5 feet 11 inches).

Here is the bead code:

A = 10mm red (36 beads needed)

B = 10mm lime green (36 beads needed)

C = 10mm gold (36 beads needed)

D = 10mm blue (36 beads needed)

E = 10mm silver (36 beads needed)

While utilizing beads of one uniform size yields striking results like in previously detailed examples, mixing bead sizes provides nearly countless opportunities for customization and drama.  From petite 6mm sizes paired with larger 18mm beads to graduated sizes strung in patriotic fashion, below we explore fourteen mixed bead garlands.  Many are ideal for making your own with a couple of color substitutions.  Let's jump in!

The petite beauty above blends well with a multitude of decoration styles and also feels right at home with patriotic displays.  It uses 6mm and 8mm beads in burgundy, aqua, gold and silver.  This is an ideal style for making color substitutions.  

Here's the pattern: A - B - A - C - D - C

Repeat this pattern sequence 48 times, then finish the garland by adding A - B - A for symmetry,  The finished garland will be approximately 72-1/2" (6 feet 1/2 inch).

Here's the bead code:

A = 6mm aqua (98 beads needed)

B = 8mm burgundy (49 beads needed)

C = 6mm silver (96 beads needed)

D = 6mm gold  (48 beads needed)

Shades of pink and blue give the garland above a vintage look.  It uses 6mm, 8mm and 10mm beads in pink, aqua, hot pink, blue and pearl rose pink.  

Here's the pattern: A - B - C - B - A - D - E - D

Repeat this pattern sequence 28 times, then finish the garland by adding A - B - C - B - A for symmetry,  The finished garland will be approximately 72" (6 feet).

Here's the bead code:

A = 6mm pink (58 beads needed)

B = 8mm aqua (58 beads needed)

C = 10mm hot pink (29 beads needed)

D = 8mm blue  (56 beads needed)

E = 10mm pearl rose pink  (28 beads needed)

The above garland follows the same beading pattern as the pink and blue version above it and is a great example of how substituting colors can change a garland's look.  It uses 6mm, 8mm and 10mm beads in aqua, burgundy, light pink, red and purple.  

Here's the pattern: A - B - C - B - A - D - E - D

Repeat this pattern sequence 28 times, then finish the garland by adding A - B - C - B - A for symmetry,  The finished garland will be approximately 72" (6 feet).

Here's the bead code:

A = 6mm aqua (58 beads needed)

B = 8mm burgundy (58 beads needed)

C = 10mm light pink (29 beads needed)

D = 8mm red (56 beads needed)

E = 10mm purple  (28 beads needed)

The soft toned style above uses a mix of 6mm, 8mm and 10mm beads and is perhaps the easiest to customize -- simply swap any other bead color for the light pink.  Silver + gold + almost any color = festive and striking.  

Here's the pattern: A - B - C - B

Repeat this pattern sequence 57 times, then finish the garland by adding A (1 gold bead) for symmetry,  The finished garland will be approximately 72" (6 feet).

Here's the bead code:

A = 6mm gold (58 beads needed)

B = 8mm silver (114 beads needed)

C = 10mm light pink (57 beads needed)

The style above uses a mix of 6mm, 8mm, 12mm and 14mm beads in light purple, pearl rose pink, gold and silver for a vintage look.  

Here's the pattern: A - B - A - C - D - E - D - C

Repeat this pattern sequence 26 times, then finish the garland by adding A - B - A for symmetry,  The finished garland will be approximately 72-3/4" (6 feet 3/4 inch).

Here's the bead code:

A = 8mm light purple (54 beads needed)

B = 12mm pearl rose pink (27 beads needed)

C = 6mm gold (52 beads needed)

D = 8mm pearl rose pink (52 beads needed)

E = 14mm silver (26 beads needed)

An unexpected yet exquisite color combination of blue, silver, light purple and lime green, the above style uses 6mm. 8mm and 10mm size beads.  This is another pattern that can easily be customized with color substitutions. 

Here's the pattern: A - B - A - C - D - C

Repeat this pattern sequence 38 times, then finish the garland by adding A - B - A for symmetry,  The finished garland will be approximately 72-1/2" (6 feet 1/2 inch).

A = 8mm silver (78 beads needed)

B = 6mm blue (40 beads needed)

C = 8mm light purple (76 beads needed)

D = 10mm lime green (38 beads needed)

Another unexpected color combination, this time using 6mm, 8mm and 10mm beads in greens, blue and red.  This style has a retro look and looks gorgeous mixed with blown glass Christmas ornaments.

Here's the pattern: A - B - C - B - A - D

Repeat this pattern sequence 43 times, then finish the garland by adding A - B - C - B - A for symmetry,  The finished garland will be approximately 72-1/2" (6 feet 1/2 inch).

A = 6mm pearl green (88 beads needed)

B = 8mm green (88 beads needed)

C = 10mm blue (44 beads needed)

D = 6mm red (43 beads needed)

The patriotic beauty above has clear colored beads mixed in for added depth and interest.  Clear colored beads catch the light when illuminated and in this instance serve as the focal point for this garland.  Beads used are 6mm, 8mm and 10mm beads in red, aqua, blue and silver.

Here's the pattern: A - B - C - B - A - D

Repeat this pattern sequence 43 times, then finish the garland by adding A - B - C - B - A for symmetry,  The finished garland will be approximately 72-1/2" (6 feet 1/2 inch).

A = 6mm aqua (88 beads needed)

B = 8mm silver (88 beads needed)

C = 10mm clear blue and clear red (22 red beads and 22 blue beads needed) Alternate between red and blue when stringing.

D = 6mm red (43 beads needed)

Pink, gold and lime green together make a festive and vintage looking garland that looks great with a wide variety of decor styles.  The above garland uses 8mm and 10mm beads.

Here's the pattern: A - A - B - C - B

Repeat this pattern sequence 43 times, then finish the garland by adding A - A (two gold beads) for symmetry,  The finished garland will be approximately 72" (6 feet).

A = 8mm gold (88 beads needed)

B = 8mm lime green (86 beads needed)

C = 10mm light pink and hot pink (22 light pink beads needed and 21 hot pink beads needed) Alternate between light pink and hot pink when stringing.

Choosing colors that share tones, like the hot sunset colors above, yield a beautiful and dramatic result.  Using 8mm and 10mm beads in burgundy, hot pink, copper and gold, the strand above is one of our favorites.

Here's the pattern: A - B - A - C - D - C

Repeat this pattern sequence 35 times, then finish the garland by adding A - B - A for symmetry,  The finished garland will be approximately 72-1/2" (6 feet 1/2 inch).

A = 8mm burgundy (72 beads needed)

B = 10mm hot pink (36 beads needed)

C = 8mm gold (70 beads needed)

D = 10mm copper (35 beads needed)

We're especially fond of the above garland created with 10mm and 12mm beads in burgundy, pink, copper and aqua.  It looks equally great with vintage decor as it does with bright and modern trees. 

Here's the pattern: A - B - C - D - E - D - C - B

Repeat this pattern sequence 22 times, then finish the garland by adding A (one burgundy bead) for symmetry,  The finished garland will be approximately 71-1/2" (5 feet 11-1/2 inches).

A = 10mm burgundy (23 beads needed)

B = 10mm pink (44 beads needed)

C = 10mm copper (44 beads needed)

D = 10mm aqua (44 beads needed)

E = 12mm pink (22 beads needed)

Not to be left out, the Autumn hued style above is perfect for Halloween trees and fall displays.  It uses 6mm, 10mm and 14mm beads in silver, black, copper and gold -- a gorgeous and eye-catching combo! It can also be easily customized and made less literal by swapping out the black for another color like burgundy.

Here's the pattern: A - B - C - B - A - D

Repeat this pattern sequence 32 times, then finish the garland by adding A - B - C - B - A for symmetry,  The finished garland will be approximately 72-1/2" (6 feet 1/2 inch).

A = 6mm silver (114 beads needed)

B = 10mm copper (114 beads needed)

C = 14mm gold (57 beads needed)

D = 10mm black (56 beads needed)

Well suited to large trees or draped in mantel displays, the garland above makes a bold statement.  Using 6mm beads in just gold allows them to act as spacer beads between the larger 18mm beads in matte red, matte green, pearl rose pink, shiny red, and pearl green.

Here's the pattern: A - B - A - C - A - D - A - E - A - F - A - D

Repeat this pattern sequence 12 times, then finish the garland by adding A - B - A - C - A - D - A  for symmetry,  The finished garland will be approximately 71" (5 feet 11 inches).

A = 6mm gold (76 beads needed)

B = 18mm matte red (13 beads needed)

C = 18mm matte green (13 beads needed)

D = 18mm pearl rose pink (25 beads needed)

E = 18mm red ( 12 beads needed)

F= 18mm pearl green ( 12 beads needed)

Glass Bead Christmas Garland DIY Craft Kit ~ 6mm Rounds

Glass Bead Christmas Garland DIY Craft Kit ~ 6mm Rounds


30 Aqua Round Glass Beads 6 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Aqua Round Glass Beads 6 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Blue Round Glass Beads 6 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Blue Round Glass Beads 6 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Burgundy Round Glass Beads 6 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Burgundy Round Glass Beads 6 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Gold Round Glass Beads 6 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Gold Round Glass Beads 6 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Hot Pink Round Glass Beads 6 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Hot Pink Round Glass Beads 6 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Pearl Green Round Glass Beads 6 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Pearl Green Round Glass Beads 6 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Pearl Rose Pink Round Glass Beads 6 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Pearl Rose Pink Round Glass Beads 6 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Pink Round Glass Beads 6 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Pink Round Glass Beads 6 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Red Round Glass Beads 6 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Red Round Glass Beads 6 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Silver Round Glass Beads 6 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Silver Round Glass Beads 6 mm ~ Czech Republic

Out of Stock!

30 Aqua Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Aqua Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Blue Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Blue Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Brown Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Brown Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Burgundy Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Burgundy Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Gold Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Gold Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Green Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Green Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Light Green Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Light Green Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Light Pink Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Light Pink Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Light Purple Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Light Purple Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Lime Green Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Lime Green Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Pearl Fuchsia Pink Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Pearl Fuchsia Pink Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Pearl Green Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Pearl Green Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Pearl Light Blue Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Pearl Light Blue Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic


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30 Pearl Rose Pink Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Pearl Teal Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Pearl Teal Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Red Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Red Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic


30 Silver Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic

30 Silver Round Glass Beads 8 mm ~ Czech Republic


15 Aqua Round Glass Beads 10 mm ~ Czech Republic

15 Aqua Round Glass Beads 10 mm ~ Czech Republic


15 Black Round Glass Beads 10 mm ~ Czech Republic

15 Black Round Glass Beads 10 mm ~ Czech Republic


15 Blue Round Glass Beads 10 mm ~ Czech Republic

15 Blue Round Glass Beads 10 mm ~ Czech Republic


15 Burgundy Round Glass Beads 10 mm ~ Czech Republic

15 Burgundy Round Glass Beads 10 mm ~ Czech Republic


15 Clear Blue Round Glass Beads 10 mm ~ Czech Republic

15 Clear Blue Round Glass Beads 10 mm ~ Czech Republic


15 Clear Red Round Glass Beads 10 mm ~ Czech Republic

15 Clear Red Round Glass Beads 10 mm ~ Czech Republic


15 Copper Round Glass Beads 10 mm ~ Czech Republic

15 Copper Round Glass Beads 10 mm ~ Czech Republic


15 Gold Round Glass Beads 10 mm ~ Czech Republic

15 Gold Round Glass Beads 10 mm ~ Czech Republic


15 Hot Pink Round Glass Beads 10 mm ~ Czech Republic

15 Hot Pink Round Glass Beads 10 mm ~ Czech Republic
